Clinic Address
Aghwanpur near market
15 Years working experience
Clinic Details.
Dr. Saleem
Monday to Friday : 9:00 to 8:00.
Saturday: 9:00 to 5:00.
Sunday: Free
Highly Recommended for
Doctors Friendliness
96% patients find the doctor friendly and approachable
Detailed Treatment Explanation
85% patients recommended the doctor for in-depth explanation of their health issues
Patient stories.
36 years old, Civil Advisor
“Dr. Saleem’s commitment to women’s health is unparalleled. Her dedication to patient well-being and her ability to explain medical concepts in a relatable manner set her apart as a top gynecologist.”
39 years old, Restaurant owner
“I’ve been a patient of Dr. Saleem for years, and I trust her completely with my gynecological care. Her 15 years of experience in the field make her my go-to choice for any women’s health concerns.”
32 years old, House wife
“If you’re looking for a gynecologist with a wealth of experience and a compassionate approach, Dr. Saleem is the ideal choice. She’s a true advocate for women’s health and provides excellent care.”